How to Avoid Water Damage in Your Rental Property


Ever walk into a rental property to find a leaky faucet or a random damp spot? Water damage can be a landlord’s worst nightmare, causing expensive repairs and renovations, frustrated tenants, and major headaches. Don’t fret! With some proactive planning and maintenance, you can significantly reduce the risk of leaks and keep your property –…

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What To Do If The Deposit Doesn’t Cover Unpaid Rent


Have you ever had a tenant skip out on rent, or vacate without notice, leaving unpaid rent and a security deposit that’s a drop in the bucket? Whether you’re a part-time or full time landlord, dealing with these situations can be challenging and stressful. This guide will help you handle unpaid rent when a tenant’s…

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Why Successful Real Estate Investors Partner with Property Management Companies

A great advantage to investing in a property is that enlisting the help of a professional property management company is simple, convenient, and hugely beneficial. Self-managing a rental property can be stressful and time consuming. Allowing a reliable property management company to handle the vital tasks of property marketing, maintenance, tenant screening, and rent collection…

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Rental Documents All Landlords Need

Rental Documents all landlords need to know

Most people believe that owning a rental property is all physical labor. After all, landlords have to handle regular maintenance, and property inspections. In reality, this is only a small aspect of property management. Landlords spend most of their time dealing with paperwork and admin tasks. There are many documents you need to keep on…

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Smart Investments: How to Choose Profitable Rental Properties

Smart Investments How to Choose Profitable Rental Properties

Are you looking to expand your real estate portfolio or step into the world of property investment? Navigating the rental market can be complex, but with the right approach, you can make smart, profitable decisions.  This guide is tailored for landlords who aspire to enhance their investment strategies. We’ll delve into essential factors like property…

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How to Finance Investment Property

How to Finance Investment Property

Investing in real estate can be an exhilarating venture, offering the prospect of stable income streams and potential long-term capital growth. However, financing an investment property is often less straightforward than financing a primary residence. Recognizing the variety of financing options available and understanding how to access them is crucial in making informed decisions. This…

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Everything You Need to Know about Renewal Screening Checks

Everything You Need to Know about Renewal Screening Checks

When the time comes to consider whether an existing tenant should continue living in your property, it might seem like a no-brainer to say yes. After all, they’ve already been through the initial checks and have settled into their living space.  But have you considered the actual value of conducting renewal screenings? These screenings are…

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Dealing With Noise Complaints

Dealing With Noise Complaints

As landlords, ensuring the peaceful cohabitation of tenants within a property is important. Noise complaints are a common concern, and addressing them efficiently is crucial to maintaining a harmonious living environment for everyone.  In this article, we will explore a systematic approach to handling noise complaints and adopting proactive measures to prevent such issues in…

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How to Transition From Part-Time to Full-Time Landlord

How to Transition From Part-Time to Full-Time Landlord

It’s always a good idea to explore the possibilities in a new field before going all in. The same principle applies to investing in real estate and taking on full-time landlord duties. You should make an investment in one or two properties before taking on full-time landlord duties. What steps should you take to become…

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How to Film a Great Video Tour of Your Rental

How to Film a Great Video Tour of Your Rental

In the digital age, the power of a captivating video tour cannot be overstated, especially when it comes to showcasing your rental property. The ability to create a compelling video tour can enhance your marketing efforts and attract tenants.  In this guide, we will walk you through the essential tips on how to film a…

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